And on this day the New Avengers prove that while they may be Earth's Mightiest Heroes, they're far from its cleverest. The Rubbish Avengers? The Thicko Avengers? The Soppy Girlie Avengers? Any of these would do, but Mighty? Not so much.
The team is fighting one of their own, Giant-Sized Luke Cage, who's possessed and pissed off. The force inhabiting the hero wants the mystical Eye of Agamotto, which Sorcerer Supreme Dr Voodoo has given to him for safekeeping.
The Thing - Fastastic Four founding member, crack pilot and victor in dozens of metahuman conflicts - is presented as brainless, wondering why he's being tasked with getting the Eye away from the bad guy.
Wolverine stabs possessed pals Dr Strange and Son of Satan, hoping for the best.
Spider-Man, asked by Jessica Jones to take her baby to safety as all hell breaks loose in Avengers Mansion, leaves the kid upstairs, alone: 'Baby's asleep. I got the baby monitor' Very responsible. When not failing at babysitting he's collecting kitchen paper to help mop up poor Dr Strange.
Mockingbird advertises an iPhone.
Guest stars Dr Voodoo weeps and the Son of Satan wails because they lose this round and the skies are on fire.
Also on hand is Hawkeye, who appears in about four panels and does bugger all; Ms Marvel, who at least shows she has her brain switched on before being swiftly dispatched; Jessica Jones, who gets a few punches in; and Iron Fist, who gets possessed too.
Overall, it's an appalling performance from a group of veteran heroes. There's no teamwork, no strategy - just a lot of running around like headless chickens. I get that we can't have the team all blase, speedily defeating a foe on the basis that they've faced this situation a few times previously. But this comic goes to the other extreme, presenting the players as startled does, hardly able to believe they're having to face a foe no single hero could withstand.
The treatment of Spidey particularly grates - sure, he's a funny guy, but the humour comes mid-battle, not as he stands around, doing anything but get involved. He's meant to be not simply Amusing, he's supposed to be Amazing.
I suspect writer Brian Michael Bendis was aiming for some comedy action, with the Eye of Agamotto bouncing around New York, but if so, it didn't come off.
What is good about this issue is the artwork of Stuart Immonen and Wade Von Grawbadger. It's big, it's brash, it's gorgeous to look at.
It's not enough to save the day. Last month I said I'd be with this book for awhile. This month, I'm changing my mind. I don't want to shell out good money to see an Avengers team who could be punked the Great Lakes branch. I'm out.
Definitely giving up on the Avenger's books. I don't think Bendis can sustain these Avengers books any further. He just works better on the solo books in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting, I wrote my review (posting today) a couple days after reading this, and I totally forgot that Spidey, Hawkeye, or Jewel were even involved. They honestly did nothing. The Thing looked great drawn by Immonen, but the only Avenger who did anything was Ms. Marvel, who promptly brought the McGuffin right back!
ReplyDeleteThanks lads. It's weird, is it so tough to write a fight scene in which everyone gets something to do? And if you don't wish to use all the characters, explain them away - they're on a mission, they get knocked out quickly, they have unsightly spots ...
ReplyDeleteMy usual refrain - what are the editors doing? Are they too scared to tell big name writers to try a little harder?
"My usual refrain - what are the editors doing? Are they too scared to tell big name writers to try a little harder?"
ReplyDeleteThe answer seems to be: pretty much.
Did you mean Luke Cage is drunk or is he angry?
ReplyDeleteOK, Luke Cage reference changed to British vernacular! It was for rhythm, already!
ReplyDeletePerhaps as long as they call this the "New" Avengers the characters will act like they have never fought anything before or worked together or even cooked a meal for themselves. This is conceptual high-brow stuff here.
ReplyDeleteYour usual refrain is well heard. Cage isn't the only one who is "Pissed". Cold shower for the editorial team now!
Wonderful point about the Newness of it all! That makes sense of nonsense.