Back from the future, Iron Lad helps the Young Avengers in their quest to restore the Scarlet Witch's powers and memories. This involves a trip back to the day the Avengers Disassembled, the day Cassie Lang's father, Ant-Man, died,
I'm not complaining that previous issues have been character and action-packed, but it is refreshing to see the Young Avengers get away from the grown-up team, Magneto and Dr Doom this issue. Writer Allan Heinberg keeps the surprises coming as Iron Lad's mastery of time technology proves less than perfect. The cliffhanger is a moment I've been awaiting for years, and I hope it sticks, There's a parallel plot point involving a favourite character which made me very happy, but I fully expect that one to be speedily pulled from under us.
Cagey, me? Well, this is one of the few comics put out by Marvel which doesn't telegraph its big moments in solicitations and online, so I should give everyone a chance to discover things for themselves. If anyone really wants to know which Young Avenger gives birth to themselves, or which three get married, the answers are out there. Or drop me an email!
Heinberg captures the voice (there's just the one) of Brian Bendis' adult Avengers well, which is another reason I was glad to leave them in Latveria - they're annoying. They're wonderfully drawn through, by penciller Jim Cheung, who never puts a foot wrong when it comes to giving us characters you'd wish to spend time with - well, apart from Undead Jack of Hearts ...
Regular inker Mark Morales is aided by Dave Meikis and usually-a-DC-guy John Livesay, and there's no drop off in quality of finish. Consistency is helped by Justin Ponsor's colour work, which seems looser this issue than usual. I like it.
With four issues to go, this limited series just gets more intriguing. Here's hoping it's followed by regular Young Avengers books by Heinberg, Cheung and friends.
Haven't followed this series. But I'm now sufficiently intrigued - and have always liked the Scarlet Witch - so think I'll get the tpb eventually.
ReplyDeleteAnd still no commission from Marvel!