The New DC Explosion ... May 31, 2011 DC Comics Flashpoint Legion of Super-Heroes + New DC Explosion DC Comics Flashpoint Legion of Super-Heroes New DC Explosion
Xombi #3 review May 31, 2011 Dave Sharpe Frazer Irving John Rozum Xombi + Xombi #3 review Dave Sharpe Frazer Irving John Rozum Xombi Xombi #3 review
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Alpha Flight 0.1 review May 19, 2011 Alpha Flight Alpha Flight 0.1 review +3 Ben Oliver Citadel Dan Adkins Fred Van Lente Greg Pak Purple Girl Alpha Flight Alpha Flight 0.1 review Ben Oliver Citadel Dan Adkins Fred Van Lente Greg Pak Purple Girl
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 review May 18, 2011 Batman +0 Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 review Batman Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 review
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