Oh. My. Lord.

I've been a vocal supporter of the new JSA run by Mark Guggenheim and Scott Kolins, but I really do have to point at the upcoming cover for for March's issue #49 and jeer a little.
Alan Scott takes his Green Lantern title too literally. The man looks like a flying coal scuttle ...


  1. whoa...um....yeah, the story better justify this in a GOOD way.

  2. I can see how this could be cool (considering that this is because of recent Alan Scott health problems) and I know that Guggenheim wants to steer clear of the generated prosthetics like the one Aquaman had, but this is over done.

  3. But wouldn't a Green Lantern be a natural for a generated prosthetic? I mean, if any character's going to have one.

  4. Um...okay. Well, that's a little cumbersome and ungraceful-looking, isn't it? That's the only remark I can give on a mag I'm not reading. But I would like to know how long Scott Kolins has been drawing JSA.

  5. I'm not reading this either, but man, that certainly is a steampunk version of this character, isn't it?

  6. THIS is what happens when Transformers mate with Iron Man.
    HORRIBLE costume. I think he wanted to maybe go Kingdom Come, but still..... ew.

  7. Oh please, if you think that's bad check out the cover of Titans.

  8. Speedy is grinning like a loon, but isn't he meant to be a loon these days? And if they're going to kill boring, overexposed Deathstroke, hurrah!

    Blue, I agree, a green flame prosthetic is fine - as is, Alan looks as if he's been eaten by the Central Power Battery.

    Joe. Kolins begam on #44.

  9. It's like Bender (Futerama)'s somewhat souped up older brother! Awful.

  10. It has a very '90s look to me, and not in a good way.

  11. I don't understand the logic of this. In the recent JLA arc Alan Scott gets a major major upgrade and after all his power is based on will and magic, even if for some reason this is not enough to repair his spine damage or whatever there is no logical reason he cannot use his power to 'will' his body to move regardless. No need for this bizzare exo-skeleton cum armour.


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