Never too busy to visit Colin

Too Busy Thinking About My Comics is among the best blogs I know. It's where Colin Smith puts forward his thoughts on everything from the latest DC and Marvel titles to the best of indie and European stripwork. Colin's smart mind, wide range of knowledge and incisive opinions make for extremely readable, thought-provoking discussions. Recent highlights have included wide-ranging discussions of Henry Pym, Sean Howe's Marvel Comics: The Untold Story and James Bond comics. You may already be a TBTAMC fan, as I am.

And now I get to play over at Colin's, with a guest post on the comic that turned me from a young reader into a budding fanboy. You can find it here. Please pop across, Colin and I would love to hear any comments you may have.

And soon, Colin's going to be over here, with his thoughts on ... well, that would be telling!


  1. This has always been a finely written blog, Martin [even if you have given up on your Wonder Woman and Fantastic Four reviews, lol] always a pleasure to log on [in?] every day to find out what comic is reviewed.
    And Colin's blog is truly informative, and meticulously well researched.
    Its also great how we all contribute to the same APA [my one is Tales Of A Silver Age Snob, btw].
    This is getting to be quite the Love-In[!].

  2. Colin's in-depth blog posts are very good indeed, and quite different than the usual blogger stuff. I second and third this recommendation:)


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